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The Alligator's Mouth is an independent children's bookshop at the heart of the local community with a mission to reach all readers: the confident, the beginner, and the reading-resistant.

Plastic Free Vibes is an online shop - supporting your journey towards sustainable living. Create your own Plastic Free Vibes waves with our many inspiring eco essentials! We have Eco Warriors covered with a growing set of eco-friendly lifestyle items, including bamboo toothbrushes, plastic-free cleaning items (including anti-bacterial OceanSaver pods); FSC wood toilet brushes; lip balms; suncream; and many other items.

Hello, I have Christmas All Wrapped for You with Healing Crystals & Gift Vouchers for my Treatments and COurses. Handserenity Holistic Health exists to inspire people to heal and live positively in the present moment without fear, doubt or anxiety. Emma Hands is a talented; award-winning London based Reiki Master, Teacher & Spiritual Coach, distance & in-person. Energy Healing Treatments with Crystal & Sound Therapy, Certified Reiki Courses, Intuitive Readings, House Cleansing Ceremonies, Crystal Shop & Spiritual Blogger offering free weekly guidance. Energy Medicine clears negative emotional, physical and mental blockages and allows you to thrive on a whole new level.

Small private antiques and vintage dealer specialising in costume accessories, collectables and objets d'art. Supplying private buyers, trade, film and tv.

Visit our online store for hand-picked vintage, retro and antique jewellery.

Independent Local Family Jeweller specialising in Fine Jewellery, Jewellery Gifts, Bespoke Jewellery, Engagement Rings, Jewellery Remodelling & Repairs. Pearl Stringing & Jewellery Valuations. Workshop on site.
Showing 1 to 10 of 11 results