- Accountants
- Architects
- Art Galleries
- Artistic Services
- Beauty
- Bicycles
- Builders
- Cafes & Restaurants
- Cars
- Charities
- Community
- Computer Services
- Dentists & Doctors
- Education/Tutoring
- Electricians
- Estate Agents
- Financial Advisors
- Financial Services
- Funeral Directors
- Garden Services
- Hairdressers
- Health & Beauty
- Health & Well-being
- Health and Fitness
- Health Services
- Home Health Care
- Home Improvements
- Home Maintenance
- Homeware
- IT Services
- Launderette
- Leisure
- Local Food & Drink
- Massage/Spa/Beauty
- Mental Health Services
- Music
- Networking
- Photography and design
- Physiotherapy
- Plumbing & Heating
- Running/Fitness/Exercise
- Shops (Food)
- Shops (Non Food)
- Solicitors
- Surveyors
- Taxis
- Vets/Animal Services

Wessex Garage Doors are a leading supplier and installer in the South East with over 30 years' experience and a vast range of superior garage doors from the best brands in the business. Choose from up-and-over doors, side hinged doors, roller or sectional doors in timber, steel or GRP, with full automation for extra security and convenience. See the website for details or visit our Surrey showroom.

It is much better if your house is cleaned a little and often, than a lot now and then. A regular cleaning service in Richmond upon Thames is the best way to have a clean and tidy home all week long, from Monday to Sunday.

We provide a wide range of handyman services for your home and commercial property, both indoors and outside.

Commercial waste collections for Richmond, Teddington and Kingston.