Six grants available for hard-hit businesses in Richmond

These are six Richmond Council grant schemes currently open for applications.
If you run a non-essential retail, leisure, personal care, sports facility or hospitality business and have been required to close by law, there are two Local Restrictions Support Grants for closed businesses.
If you run a business in the hospitality, hotel, bed & breakfast and leisure sectors and you stayed open during Tier 2 and Tier 3, but trade was severely impacted, look at The Local Restrictions Support Grant for open businesses.
To be eligible for recently announced Additional Restrictions Grant you must have fixed ongoing business-related property costs, but not necessarily business rates and have been trading on November 4 2020. This scheme is shortly due to be reviewed, with eligibility widened.
Some businesses with a business rates liability such as nightclubs, dance halls, discotheques, adult entertainment venues and hostess bars were required to close in March 2020 and have been unable to re-open – these should apply for a Local Restrictions Sector Grant.
A new one-off payment to help 'wet-led' pubs is called the Christmas Support Payment, which covers Tier 2 and Tier 3 in December 2020.
Finally, applications will be opened soon for recently announced government grants for the current National Lockdown which began in January 2021.
Visit the council website for full details of grants available