Refugee families from Ukraine being turned away by landlords and estate agents in Richmond borough

Estate agents and landlords across Richmond borough have been accused of unfairly turning away refugee families from Ukraine.
It appears a number of businesses and property owners have a blanket ban on families on benefits, particularly if there are children.
The residents of Richmond upon Thames have proved to be among the most welcoming in the county in terms of sponsoring and accepting hundreds of people fleeing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. At the same time a massive fund raising and donations effort was run out of the Prosperity Café, a Ukrainian business, in Twickenham.
However, despite the enormous good will and support, finding long-term accommodation is proving impossible.
The alarm has been sounded by Councillor Jim Millard, who is co-deputy leader of Richmond Council with responsibility for housing.

His concerns were raised by speaking to one desperate family from Ukraine who are currently in temporary accommodation and finding it impossible to find a property through an estate agent or landlord, despite the fact the husband is working.
Cllr Millard said: "They were evicted from their original property because the people they were staying with couldn't have them there any more, just due to capacity.
'They slept in their car and then Richmond Council found them a sponsor family to stay with short-term. They can stay as long as they need, but the deal is that they have got to try and find somewhere to live, somewhere to rent.
"It took eight weeks for the Home Office to sort out the husband's work permit, but he is now working and yet they have been to countless estate agents and made countless applications to landlords and they are being refused.
"No-one is accepting them as tenants because they have got children and they are on benefits, despite the fact the husband is working."
He challenged property owners and agents to do better, saying: "We all understand that these people are coming from a country that has been torn apart by war and their lives have been shattered.
"This family are trying to make a life for themselves and they are not the only ones. There are many families from Ukraine right now who are trying to do the right thing and pay for rented accommodation, yet they are being refused.
"I feel strongly that we as a society need to try and do better. If you are an estate agent or a landlord, please try and make sure you don't have a blanket ban; that you look at each case on its merits and try to help these people."
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