Firefighters attend as orange glow in the sky is seen across Richmond

By The Editor

18th Dec 2020 | Local News

The sky over Richmond turned an incredible orange last night and it could be seen across the borough.

Residents shared their photos and theories about what caused the glow.

The prevailing thought appears to be that it was special lights used to stimulate growth of the grass on the pitch at Twickenham Stadium.

We have contacted Twickenham for comment.

Some people even thought they saw smoke over the stadium and called the fire brigade.

Read more:

This is why the skies turned orange on Thursday night

Readers' best photos of orange glow in the sky over Richmond borough

A spokesperson told Richmond Nub News: "We were called at 10.21pm to reports of smoke issuing at the stadium.

"Crews attended and determined it was a false alarm."

Northern Lights

A more natural, earthly phenomena was occurring last night.

Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, were reportedly visible in the UK on Thursday (December 10).

The lights were triggered by a solar flare sending large numbers of charged particles towards Earth.

They are more visible in northern parts of the country and it may be possible to see a glimpse of them over the weekend.

Share your photos

Did you spot the sky turn orange? Send us your photos by emailing [email protected] or via social media.

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