Richmond Park Conservatives back petition to stop Labour from adding 20% VAT to private school fees

By Cesar Medina

17th Jun 2024 | General Election 2024

Sera Gezdari from the Conservative Party says Labour's 20% VAT to private school fees is "dangerous" (credit: Annie Spratt/Unsplash).
Sera Gezdari from the Conservative Party says Labour's 20% VAT to private school fees is "dangerous" (credit: Annie Spratt/Unsplash).

A petition to, 'Stop Labour from adding 20% VAT to private school fees and forcing kids to change schools,' has been backed by Richmond Park Conservative candidate, Sara Gezdari.

The petition, created by a parent who sends their child to a private school, is aiming to reach 200,000 signatures, already gathering over 162,000.

It comes as Labour released its 2024 party manifesto last week, whereby it explains that it will end tax rate relief for private schools in order to invest into the UK's state schools.

The petition created via, has been sent to Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer, ex Shadow Minister for Education Bridget Phillipson and ex Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves.

Tony Perry, creator of the petition, says the proposed changes will force him to look for a new school for his son who currently attends private education.

"Labour pledges to end the tax-exempt status of education, adding 20% VAT to private school fees and forcing thousands of students across the country, like my son, to leave the schools they've come to know and love," Perry explains.

He adds: "Private schools aren't simply playgrounds of the wealthy. Many families make life-changing sacrifices to choose a specific school for their child.

"This choice can be for many reasons, including for students with special education needs, students of a particular faith, students from military families and so many others."

The father is also worried that the plans could see state schools become over crowded as parents fail to afford the new private school fees, adding to the pressure that state schools already face.

Perry continues: "Cash-strapped state schools and local authorities will have to find money, space and resources to teach and support these children.

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"Parents who currently pay school fees on top of taxes used for school funding will now be adding to the state's burden rather than opting to relieve it by choosing an independent school."

Weighing in on the issue, Sara Gezdari, Conservative candidate for Richmond Park believes the plans will hit Richmond families the hardest, as 26% of students in the borough are enrolled in private education.

She says: "Labour's dangerous plan to tax education is harmful and divisive. Schools have already closed because of it.

"Last week Labour's Shadow Attorney General confirmed that they expected state school class sizes to become overcrowded. 

"Labour's plans will hit SEND students, remove choice from parents, risk teachers' jobs, cut bursaries and increase tax for everyone. This will not affect the rich."

Sara Gezdari at the Richmond Park hustings last week (credit: Cesar Medina).

Gezdari adds: "Every day local people on the doorstep tell me how concerning this is to them. 26.4% of students in Richmond Park go to a fee-paying school.

"That is way above the national average. Local people risk the future of our children's education by voting Lib Dem in the upcoming GE.

"The Lib Dems have proven time and time again that they are no opposition." 

Richmond Park Labour has been approached for comment.

To find out more about the petition, click here.

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