BEYOND REASON: Judith North & Kate Proudman
One Paved Court
Arts & Crafts
26th Apr 2023 - 14th May 2023
UNTIL Sunday 14th May

Beyond Reason introduces a new series of oil paintings, watercolour sketches and 3D work by Judith North and Kate Proudman.
The work of these two artists gives us an insight into their shared processes. Evidence of the frequent removal, reapplying and layering of paint implies an attitude to process which centres on a sense of time passing.
Common between the artists is an engagement with the subject that is often veiled or intentionally ambiguous. Both artists work through a non-literal approach. Kate Proudman starts with a written description of an unknown space, and through various abstract processes, seeks to express the unknown information beyond that which is described in the text. Similarly, Judith North creates abstract paintings inspired by everyday experiences, drawing from memories from her subconscious rather than directly representing physical objects or scenes. Both artists use their intuition and the painting process itself to bring forth their ideas, inviting the viewer to engage with their work through imagination and contemplation, rather than through a literal interpretation.
Join Judith North and Kate Proudman for an informal Meet the Artist afternoon. Saturday 13 May from 2.30pm. All welcome