Changes to recycling and bin collection dates in Richmond for Easter

Richmond Council have announced their Easter rubbish collection dates.
For a week after the Easter Bank Holiday, general rubbish, food waste, garden waste and recycling collections for homes in Richmond will take place a day later than usual.
There will be no change in commercial waste and recycling collection times.
In addition, collections for bulky waste will not be available on Good Friday on April 2 or on the Monday Bank Holiday three days later.
Townmead Road Household Waste and Recycling Centre will be open over the Bank Holiday.
Pre-booking for this is essential and available here.
They reminded Richmond residents to put bins out by 6am on collection day.
You can also put them out the night before, but wait until after 8pm to avoid creating a trip hazard.
The council reminded residents to be mindful of excessive packaging from Easter egg boxes that weekend.
So make sure that waste from chocolate treats is placed in the right bins and recycle what you can.
Finally, the council has asked people to avoid doing major clear-outs during this time.
This is because charity shops are closed at the moment so cannot accept donations.
Dumped donations outside shops are considered fly-tipping and you could be fined if you do this.
So while it may be tempting to give your house a makeover in lockdown, it's best to save it for a few weeks later when waste can be collected properly and Richmond's charity shops will be able to benefit.